Sunday, 8 June 2008

A new start

So, here we are. A few friends have asked for recipies of things I've made recently and so I thought (with a little prompting) that I would start a blog to natter about foodie things - things I've made, bought, read etc. I have to say at the start that if I give you a recipie I may have tinkered with it but will also let you know the source of the original.

You may already know, and should probably have guessed by the fact that I am starting this blog, that I like my food. Not just eating it but cooking and everything related to it. I am not a food snob and I am not a great chef, I would like to say a competent home cook if that isn't too big-headed. However, I have a passion for the good and the tasty. I should also say that I do not intend to confine myself to solids, there are also some very tasty liquids to be discussed (mostly of the alcoholic kind!). Well, here goes nothing....

1 comment:

rakh1 said...

Yay - the blog is up and running :) Excellent idea!